Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sage-grouse field trip

Sage-Grouse field trip
March 5th
Leave the Easy Street Park and Ride at 5:00 AM in Wenatchee
It may be possible to meet the group somewhere along the way
Yes, 5:00 AM.
Visit a lek.
Return to Wenatchee by noon.
Led by Dr. Dan Stephens, Biology Professor, Wenatchee Valley College
Contact Dan for more info at (509) 682-6752 or dstephens@wvc.edu

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Great Backyard Bird Count has started!

This weekend, Feb. 18-21, is the 14th annual Great Backyard Bird Count.  This is an event where Citizen Scientists all across the US and Canada count birds and upload their observations to a central website.  You can participate for as short as 15 minutes or for all 4 days; it's free, it's fun, and it helps scientists and the birds.  You can watch the counts grow in real time as the weekend progresses, which gives us all a snapshot of where birds are and how many of each species.

To find out more, and to participate, you can go to the NCWAS website or to the Great Backyard Bird Count websitehttp://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/.

There are also field trips taking place this weekend in North Central Washington, as part of the GBBC.  For details, see the Birding page of the NCWAS website.


We look forward to seeing your observations online!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Soup and Sharp-shins: Feb. 3, 2011

Come to the North Cascades Basecamp in Mazama for another in their winter soup-and-lecture series.  Kent Woodruff, USFS Wildlife Biologist, will give a presentation Feb.3, titled "Lessons of a Little Accipiter".  He will tell you about the long-term studies of raptor migration at Chelan Ridge, conducted with HawkWatch International, and will share some surprising things he's learned about the small, sharp-shinned hawk during his studies there.
Soup (seasonal vegetarian) is at 5:30 PM ($5); the talk begins at 6 PM (free).  For more information or directions, please see the North Cascades Basecamp website.  See you there!